This is a very nice psychoanalysis text, and it also remind us that the dangerous of exposing oneself in a specific situation. The elements of Gothic horrible film always shows how unconscious worked : archetype projected to everywhere and appear in the image of ghost. Especially at that time woman are actually repressed in sexual aspects- as we all know, the more you repress, the more the unconscious is evoked.
金球奖最佳男主之作虽然不看网球但也是知道大小威廉姆斯这部电影真的是看到了家庭教育的重要性相信的力量Stay focus and don‘t be afraid.最感人的是最后真实的录像出现的时候配着充满力量的音乐pr九尾天狐女生图片正能量尤其最后说到要回馈社会真是德才兼备实至名归的冠军看完感到很有力量